Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Power for Living

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear,
but of power, and of love and a sound mind."

2 Timothy 1:7

He went out to his car and turned the key to his ignition, but the motor refused to start. He really didn't know what to do but call someone for help. Before he got his cell phone out to call for road service, a friend stopped to help. He shared with his friend that the car wouldn't start. He said, "I was getting ready to call for road service." 

The friend asked if he could look under the hood. Immediately, he saw corrosion on the battery poles. He took a pocket knife and scraped away the corrosion. The man tried to start his car again. The motor started immediately. The problem was not the motor nor the battery. It was corrosion that needed to be removed. The power was still there.

God offers us power for living, but many of his children are stalled by fear. That fear does not come from God. It robs us of the power for living. The power for living is love, because God is love (1 John 4:8). We have a choice to live by the power of God's love with a sound mind, or allow the corrosion of fear to block God's love from overcoming our fear. God's love is never the problem. His love overcomes fear every time (1 John 4:4, 4:18). The corrosion is in our mind through our own choice. As we pull down the thoughts which rob us of power for living, God's powerful love works every time without exception.

Are you enjoying power for living? It's available by faith in God's love through Jesus Christ. Don't let thoughts of fear rob you of God's power. Reject fearful thoughts through prayer. Ask God to fill you with His love. Experience the power that comes through love and a sound mind. Receive the power for living.

God, give us the power of love and a sound mind.