Saturday, June 4, 2016

Find New Hope

Do you know someone who appears to be hopeless? That person knows sorrow, frustration, and the fear of nothing good in life. The person without hope never needs a lecture on positive thinking. That won't help. The person without hope needs love. That person needs your love, and most of all, God's love.

Trying to live without hope makes life seem meaningless and without purpose. Life without hope entertains the idea that nothing will change; nothing will get better. The most cruel thing about life without hope is that it is life without love. That means a life without God, for "God is love" (1 John 4:8).

Only God can bring true hope into your life. It is not a hope based upon empty promises and fantasy. It is hope that is steadfast and sure. God is your hope. When you have hope from God, it is hope in God. Understand that hope is a gift from God for you. It is an abiding gift of the Holy Spirit.

Hope does not come from what others may do for you; hope comes from what God promises to do for you. Hope is not based upon what you may be able to do; hope is based upon what God shall do. Hope is not based upon what you can control; hope is based upon God who controls all. Those who are hopeless find new hope in God. "And now, Lord, what do I wait for? My hope is in You" (Psalm 39:7).