Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Try Kindness Today

"The Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to every one" (2 Timothy 2:24). Quarrels accomplish nothing. First of all, no one ever wins. Secondly, they make bad matters worse. But more than anything, they never show any kindness to anyone.

She had a temper tantrum on the job. After she left the workplace, someone said, "I'm glad that she's gone for the day. It's a lot more pleasant around here without her." Someone else said, "You know she's a big worker in her church, but it sure doesn't show in her life here." 

Most of us have had a temper tantrum. We regret them, and we may even apologize, but there is a more serious issue. To be quarrelsome is a warning sign that things are not completely right in our relationship with God. The reason being, God is love, and a fruit of love is kindness (Galatians 5:22-23).

Not long ago, I stood behind someone in line to speak to the receptionist at a doctor's office. I heard the lady in front of me say to the receptionist, "Thank you for being kind to me." She really meant it. We all appreciate kind people. It doesn't cost anything to be kind, and it sure influences the lives of others.

The purpose of this devotion is not to get anyone on a guilt trip, far from it. The real purpose is to explain what to do when we are quarrelsome. First, it always takes humility to apologize. That's another fruit of love. Most importantly, let us ask God to forgive us, and fill us with the love of Christ. He will. It just may change someone's life. If not, it will change yours. "Love is patient and kind" (1 Corinthians 13:4). Try kindness today.