How can you know for sure that you have really received the grace of God? Understand that grace never comes into your life without peace. They always work together. To experience the grace of God is to find peace with God. "May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace" (Philemon 3, NLT).
Finding grace and peace comes only through knowing God as Father in Christ. That's the ultimate relationship in life. Believing on the Lord Jesus Christ is the way to the Father. Jesus said, "No one can come to the Father except through me" (John 14:6, NLT). It results in the experience of grace and peace.
Grace is the favor of God. We find favor with God in Christ. Jesus is the only person who ever lived to please God in all things. Jesus Christ is God's gift to us. By faith in Christ alone, we find favor with God that brings peace. That peace is a fruit of the Spirit of Christ working in our lives.
Grace is so amazing, because it's not about what we do. It's about what God has done for us and through us in Christ alone. It's God's great gift for us to receive by faith alone. When God's grace comes to your life, peace always brings assurance. It is peace with God and peace in your heart. Grace brings peace.