Sunday, August 27, 2023

A Broken Heart

A broken heart may come from failure, a crisis experience, or great disappointment. A broken heart is not always bad. It may take a broken heart before we are willing to see our need for God. Sometime life is difficult, days are hard. Life may intrude with circumstances that break our hearts. Something bad may happen to us or someone we love to break our hearts. We need to know what to do with a broken heart.

A broken heart may be the first step in turning to God for restoration and renewal. We are awakened to a real need for change. God responds to a broken heart with mercy and grace. People with a broken heart may be awakened to their need for God. He is the only way forward. The choice is hopelessness or hope in God. The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit (Psalm 34:18).

Look for others with a broken heart. Share with them your hope in God. See if they are ready to receive God's love, mercy and grace in Jesus Christ. Offer to pray with them and for them. Encourage them that God wants to restore and renew them.

No case is hopeless with God. No one is beyond God's mercy with a broken heart. God's love extends to those with a broken heart. No life is hopeless, when we come to God by faith in Christ. Yes, God can heal a broken heart.