Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Walk with Peace

Walk with peace throughout your life. Some walk in fear. They live with constant indecision. Others live with greed, constantly chasing the mirage of more wealth and gain. Yet, many others live with peer pressure, constantly craving the approval of others.

Peace will never lead you in the wrong direction. Let peace lead you on the right pathway. Peace is your friend, showing you the right path. Peace will always confirm wise choices. You will look back with contentment and assurance, knowing that peace guided you on the right way.

Peace will never pressure you to make a quick decision. Peace will always reject the wrong motives in decision making, such as fear, greed, and confusion. Peace ignores fear. Peace recognizes the deception of greed. Peace will lead you away from confusion every time. Peace confirms God's will, because peace comes from God. May the LORD show you his favor and give you his peace (Numbers 6:26, NLT).

Peace works not from what your eyes see or what others say. Peace leads you from within, even from your heart. Peace is the fruit of God's Spirit working in your heart. Peace will never force itself upon your will. Peace waits for you to submit to God. Walk with peace every day. Then you know the Lord is leading you. And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts (Colossians 3:15, NLT).