Monday, November 6, 2023

Healing Broken Hearts

Your heart may be broken through failure, a traumatic experience, grief or great disappointment. A broken heart may cause us to seek God's help. Every broken heart needs God's love and goodness. He who created us can heal broken hearts.

God responds to broken hearts with mercy and grace. People with a broken heart are often ready for God's help. He is the only way forward. The choice is either hopelessness, or hope in God. Our hope in God says, He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds (Psalm 147:3).

Be sensitive to others with a broken heart. Share with them your hope in God. See if they are ready to receive God's healing through love and grace. Offer to pray with them and for them. Encourage them that God is able to restore and heal them. Most of all, be a patient and understanding listener.

No case is hopeless with God. No one is beyond God's mercy with a broken heart. For those with a broken heart, help from God is always available. When people with a broken heart seek God, they have found the One who heals with loving kindness. His tender mercy binds up the wounds. Only God can heal a broken heart.