Thursday, November 2, 2023

Live the Good Life

Read the news, hear the reports, evil is on every hand. You read about injustice, pain and suffering, death and disaster. Where is the good life? It is found only in God, because God is good. Life is good when you know God is working in all things for good. Live the good life, when you know how good God is to you.

There are times when it seems that evil shall prevail. Be encouraged. Forsake fear. Lift your eyes of faith to the God who shall prevail. He cannot fail. He must prevail. You may not see it today or tomorrow, but good shall prevail, because God is good.

God gave all mankind choice. God could easily eliminate all evil by taking away man's choice. He does something that is far better. God changes man's heart and introduces him to the goodness of His grace. The goodness of God leads you to repentance (Romans 2:4). That's how we begin the good life. Those who reject God's grace will meet His justice in the day when good shall prevail and evil shall fail.

Live the good life, knowing God's love and grace. God puts goodness in your heart. You discover life is good, because God is good. Unbelief says, All I see is evil. How can you say God is good? Faith responds by saying, When you live the good life, you know God is working all things together for your good. For the LORD is good (Psalm 100:5).