Thursday, November 9, 2023

The Sacrifice of Praise

You may complain about your situation, when times are hard and days are difficult. Most of us have. It's easy to complain, but what good does it do? At best you may find someone to feel sorry for you, but that doesn't really change anything.

Yet, there is another option. Offer the sacrifice of praise to God in difficult days. Go ahead. What do you have to lose? Let us refocus our thoughts away from the problems to the One who loves us and cares about us, lifting our voices in songs and prayers of praise to God.

Anyone can praise God when everything goes your way. Try praising God through your troubles and problems. That's the sacrifice of praise. Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name (Hebrews 13:15).

Offer praise to God even in difficult days and hard times. Prayers of praise focus upon who God is. Our circumstances change often, but God is forever the same. Prayers of praise take the attention off ourselves. They focus upon the only One who can change every circumstance.

You may be surprised what God will do in your life through prayers of praise. God hears your praise. He knows your situation. He has the ability to change your circumstances. Prayers of praise honor God in all things. Praise honors God's faithfulness through all circumstances. Offer the sacrifice of praise to God in difficult days.