Fear leads you astray. Love always leads you in the right direction. Love is a faithful companion who will make life worth living. That's because, when you follow love, you follow God. The Bible says, God is love (1 John 4:8).
Love gives you peace and you need not be worried with fear. Follow love and you will be free from all fear. You have no fear when love is near. Fear wants no part of love. Fear is intimidated in the face of love. There is no fear in love (1 John 4:18). The reason is simple, because God is love.
You can only follow love when you have love in your heart. You may ask, "How can I have love in my heart?" Only the Holy Spirit can put love in your heart. The love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5).
Now you may ask, "Will the Holy Spirit do that for me?" Yes. Love has a Son. Love sent Him to die for your sins. Love raised Him from the dead. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Then, you will know in your heart that God is love.
Do you find yourself in a situation that bothers you? Perhaps, it causes you to have some fear or anxiety. Ask yourself this one question. What would love do? That's your answer. You have found the solution. Love is God's will, because God is love.