Jesus took our condemnation on the cross. When Jesus comes into your life, condemnation is gone. You are free from guilt. So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1, NLT). Your guilt is gone and there is no condemnation!
Jesus did not come into this world to condemn us. He came with something far better. He brought mercy with love. He was condemned by self-righteous people as being a friend of sinners, and so He was, and still is. He does more than forgive some of our sins. God forgives all of your sins in Christ. The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin (1 John 1:7).
Condemnation is a heavy load that robs you of peace and joy. Condemnation constantly reminds you that you have sinned. You can try to get away from condemnation in different ways. You could medicate it with drugs or alcohol. You could bury it deep within your heart, but the tormenting thoughts don't go away. You may even judge other people to take the attention away from your own guilt.
You have a friend who can get rid of all your condemnation. His name is Jesus. He was a friend of sinners in Bible days, and He has not changed. He's still a friend of sinners. Jesus is the only one in all of history who died for your sins. His word of mercy declares that you are forgiven by simply believing in Him. Your guilt is gone at the cross of Jesus. His resurrection proves it. That means no condemnation.