Tuesday, February 11, 2025

In Stressful Times

Life can become very stressful with problems too numerous to mention.  Stressful times can make us feel frustrated and even helpless. In times of stress and strain, there is something you can do. Let stress lead you to God in prayer. 

The stress of life is a call to prayer for every believer. When we really believe God hears us, we call upon Him without any reluctance. Be willing to surrender to God's will, and that could mean significant changes in your life. When our way doesn't work, God has a better way.

The psalmist faced stressful times in his life. He described them in Psalm 120. He became distressed, but he chose to do the right thing. He prayed. He confessed His faith in God, who hears our prayers. The psalmist said, In my distress I cried to the LORD, and He heard me (Psalm 120:1).

Doubt says, "I will pray. Maybe God will hear me." Unbelief says, "I could pray, but it won't do any good." Faith says, "I prayed and God heard me."

Do you have some stressful issues in your life now? Have they led you to distress? There is something that you can do about it. Offer the prayer of faith to God. He wants to hear from you today. Stressful times in your life is a call to prayer. God hears prayer all the time, and that includes stressful times.