It was a great miracle when God parted the Red Sea for his people to be delivered from slavery in Egypt. Yet, it was not the greatest miracle. It was a great miracle when Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, yet it wasn't the greatest miracle. Many miracles God has performed through the ages of history, yet one surpasses them all. It is the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is risen!
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is our salvation. By his death and endless life, Jesus saves. His resurrection is sure evidence that our sins were taken away at his cross. His resurrection proves that we have eternal life. That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved (Romans 10:9).
The good news today is that Christ Jesus our Lord is risen! Death is defeated. He who died in our place and for our sins is risen from the dead. All who believe the gospel of Jesus Christ are saved from the curse of sin and death. Our salvation is not in what we have done, but it is in what Christ has done for us.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the greatest miracle for all to see, because he is coming again to raise the dead. The dead in Christ will rise first with glorified bodies, like unto that of our risen Lord. For those who believe in him, it will be a great day, because of the greatest miracle of all. That's the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is risen indeed!