When discouraged, going through tough times in life, look to God for encouragement. Times can be difficult. When you're discouraged, remember God is always working for your good as His child. He plans ahead for every event in your life, that His good purpose may be fulfilled.
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). Do you love God? Do you want His purpose fulfilled in your life? Do you believe He works in all things for your good? Be encouraged. Believe God's word.
When discouraged, remember God's providence works for your good. God delights to encourage you. In your darkest night of discouragement, your heavenly Father will give you needed encouragement. It may come through a promise from Scripture. He may use the words of a song or hymn. He may send someone to encourage you at just the right time.
We all need encouragement. Others need your encouragement. Ask God to use you to encourage others today. He will. Then you can say, I may be encouraged together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me (Romans 1:12). Call someone with a word of encouragement. Write a note of encouragement to someone going through tough times. Be encouraged and encourage others.