Worry will rob you of joy, as it attacks the mind. Not only can worry rob you of sleep, but also of good health. Worry will not listen to reason. It brings fear to your heart. It's important to understand that worry is a spiritual issue.
When worry attacks your mind, consider the providence of God working in the details of your life. Worry refuses to believe that God is working all things together for good in the lives of those who love Him. God has a purpose in all things. Worry leaves no room to think about God. Jesus said, Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in me (John 14:1).
Pray when worry attacks. God will give you rest. Those who live with worry are restless. When worry is brought to God in prayer, its power is broken. Bring your worry to God through prayer. Resting in God's providence brings peace and rest. There remains therefore a rest for the people of God (Hebrews 4:9).
When worry attacks, focus your thoughts on God. Faith says,"My life is determined by God's providence. He will make a way, when there is no way. He guides and provides." Worry doubts, saying,"That sounds good, but is it true?" Doubt travels with worry. Faith defeats worry, trusting in the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.