Saturday, June 22, 2024

Restore Your Joy

Your joy in life is God's will. That doesn't mean that you will have no problems. It does mean that the presence of God will give you strength through joy. The psalmist said to God, In Your presence is fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11). That's the presence of God in believers through the Holy Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit includes fullness of joy.

Your joy in life is not dependent on outward circumstances or other people. True joy comes from within. It is dependent upon your relationship with God. Even in difficult circumstances, you can be filled with the joy of the Lord. He is your joy in life.

Restoring joy in your life comes through confessing sin to God, that the joy you once knew may be restored. Sin separates us from fellowship with God. Restored fellowship brings fullness of joy. The barrier of sin is removed as we turn away from sin and confess it to God. Your joy in life is restored. You pray, Restore to me the joy of Your salvation (Psalm 51:12).

Genuine worship is from the heart. It refreshes you with the presence of God's joy. In His presence there is joy in your life. His joy is your strength for living. Worship makes you aware of God's presence. His presence is the place of joy. Restore your joy now in God's presence. He is your joy in life.