Monday, July 2, 2012

Experience God's Peace

"And the peace of God,
which passes all understanding,
will guard your hearts and minds
through Christ Jesus."

Philippians 4:7

A man had committed his life to Jesus Christ. His friend asked, "Do you have any questions?" He said, "No questions, but I have peace like I have never had before in my life. I can't explain it." His friend replied, "Neither can I, but that peace can only be experienced. When we experience God's peace in our mind and hearts, we can't explain it, but we sure can enjoy it."

The apostle Paul knew from experience about the peace of God. The world doesn't understand it. The believer can't explain it, but he can certainly experience it. It passes all understanding simply because it's the peace of God. It's a fruit of God's Spirit working in our hearts. Real peace of mind comes through a real faith relationship with God through Jesus Christ. We are to walk in peace after our commitment to Christ. The peace of God  is the way we know that we are really walking in the will of God (Colossians 3:15). His peace is our sure guide for daily living.

Have you experienced the peace of God that passes all understanding? Are you walking in His peace today? Only a real relationship with God can provide such peace. As a believer, when we are living outside of God's peace, it's time to return to fellowship with God. That peace cannot be explained to an unbelieving world, but it can be experienced by every believer.

Prayer: Father, forgive our sins as we return to fellowship with You, that we may live daily in Your peace which passes all understanding through Christ Jesus. Amen.