Thursday, May 16, 2024

Prayer and God's Will

Prayer includes making our requests to God, as well as giving thanks and praise to God. However, the main purpose of prayer was demonstrated for us by Christ in the garden before His crucifixion. Jesus prayed, Oh My Father, if this cup cannot pass away from Me unless I drink it, Your will be done (Matthew 26:42). Jesus prayed for God the Father's will to be done.

Prayer submits to God's will. Prayer should not seek to change God's will, but to surrender to God's will. That does not mean we should quit making our requests to God. Jesus requested that the cup of suffering would pass from Him. He made that request more than once. Yet, the prayer of Jesus to the Father concluded, "Your will be done." He is our example in prayer.

Someone may ask, "If God is unwilling to do what I want, why pray?" That question tells me more about the person who asked than it does about prayer. Sure, all of us want God to do what we request, and often He does. However, submitting our will to God's will is the example of Jesus our Lord.

Jesus taught us to pray to God our Father in these words: Your kingdom come. Your will be done (Matthew 6:10). Continue to make your requests known to God, but don't forget prayer's primary purpose. Prayer expresses our desire for God's will to be done.