Saturday, October 20, 2012

Don't Forget God

"And you forget the LORD your Maker,
who stretched out the heavens
and laid the foundations of the earth."

Isaiah 51:13

His wife said to him that morning, "I can't be there for Johnny after kindergarten because of a dentist appointment. Could you be there at noon today? I should be home for you to get back to work on time." Her husband assured her that it would be no problem. However, he got involved in an extended meeting and forgot, until someone mentioned the time. He couldn't believe it. He had forgotten to be there for his son. He immediately phoned the kindergarten. He was told, "There's no problem. We called Johnny's grandmother. He's with her." He relaxed, knowing that his child was in good hands. Then he asked himself, "How could I forget my own child?"

God never forgets His children, however, sometime God's children forget Him. The prophet Isaiah warned the people of God, "And you forget the LORD your Maker." The people of Judah had turned to other gods, worshipping idols. Forgetting the LORD invited disaster. They broke His covenant and were determined to live their lives without Him. He allowed them to go their own way for a while. It brought calamity and disaster. God had temporarily put them away, until they returned unto Him. The first thirty-nine chapters of Isaiah describes their rebellion against God. The last twenty-seven chapters provides hope and comfort, as they return to the LORD.

Could our nation forget God? Do you think that even our churches could forget God? Have you ever thought that you could forget God? When our hearts turn away from the LORD, we could be in real danger. Sometime, the LORD may just give us over to our own rebellion. He does give us a choice. The wrong choice could bring serious consequences. Here is the invitation of God to those who have forgotten and forsaken Him, "Return unto Me, for I have redeemed you" (Isaiah 44:22). If you have forgotten God and turned away from Him, it's time to come home. Don't forget God.

Prayer: LORD, forgive our turning away from You. We accept Your invitation to return. Grant us mercy and forgiveness through Jesus Christ. Amen.