Friday, October 19, 2012

Don't Give Up

"The LORD is good to those who wait for Him."

Lamentations 3:25

Suppose a family is waiting in a hospital for a loved one to have a serious surgery. They wait for a long time. Finally, the surgeon comes into the waiting room with a report. Someone says to the surgeon, "What took you so long? We had to wait for a long time. Did you forget that we were out here?"  The surgeon did not have an opportunity to give his report until the complaint was heard. Now, a situation like that is unheard and unknown among caring, reasonable people. Families are not focused upon themselves, but their concern is totally focused on the loved one in surgery. They are ready to wait prayerfully and patiently, hoping for the best. 

We often need to wait upon the LORD. It is easy for us to get self-centered and impatient. God is always at work around us to reveal His goodness and mercy. He doesn't delight in making us wait for no reason. The truth is, we don't always know and understand. But, this one thing we know, "the LORD is good to those who wait for Him." Lamentations describes the funeral of a city. Jerusalem had been destroyed by the invading army of the Babylonians. It was a national tragedy. Lamentations is a funeral hymn for those who grieved. Yet, the song provided hope for those who would wait upon the LORD. That hope was focused on the goodness of God, for all who would wait upon Him.

What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you? You may have been broken-hearted, feeling the despair of the moment. There is one thing left to provide strength to go on in life, the hope in God, that He will yet bring good out of it, for those who wait upon Him. The darkest time of night is before the sunrise of a new day breaks through the sky. If you are living through a dark night of the soul, the sunrise of God's goodness will break through for you. It's a long wait through the night, but sunrise is coming. Don't give up hope. Wait upon the LORD.

Prayer: Father, give us hope to endure the darkest night of sorrow. Give us hope in Your goodness, as we wait, expecting to see a better day. Give us hope through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.