Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Someone Needs You

"Nevertheless to remain in the flesh
is more needful for you."

Philippians 1:24

A pastor visited an elderly woman in the nursing home. She was depressed and said, "I don't know why God has me here. I'm not any good to anyone. I feel like a burden on my children." The pastor listened sympathetically, and then he gently said, "I understand what you're saying, but I know God has you here for a purpose. It may be to talk to someone who comes your way about God. Or, it could be that the Lord has you here to pray for family and friends. Someone needs you."

The apostle Paul wrote a letter from prison, telling others that he was ready to die and be with Christ, yet he knew that he was needed for service to others at the time. So, he wrote these words, "To remain in the flesh is more needful for you." Paul knew that God had a purpose for his life in this world, and until that purpose was fulfilled he would remain here.

God has a purpose for your life. You are not here by accident nor chance. There is a divine providence at work in our lives. Someone needs you. We may meet those needs in such a way to demonstrate the love of God in Christ. You may say, "I'm here for a purpose, but I don't know what it is." Look around you. See who needs your support, encouragement and ministry. Don't forget, someone needs you.

Prayer: Father, use us to fulfill Your purpose in our lives, through Jesus Christ.