Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Comfort One Another

"Comfort each other and edify one another."

1 Thessalonians 5:11

A child overheard her parents talking. Her dad had spoken some encouraging words to her mother. Her mother said to him, "You are my rock. I don't know what I would do without you." They embraced and kissed. Later, the daughter said to her mother, "I heard you say that dad is your rock. What does that mean?" The mother smiled and said, "That means your dad is the one person that I can always depend upon to be there for me, and to encourage me." We all need people in our lives to be there for us, and to encourage us.

The apostle Paul reminded believers in the church of Thessalonica to comfort each other and edify one another. That's an important part of the ministry of the church. To comfort is to strengthen. To edify is to build-up others in the faith. All of us need family and friends to encourage, support and strengthen us. The Christian life was never meant to be lived alone. We are members of one body. We belong to the same family, even the family of God. We need the strength that comes from others. God ministers grace and strength to us through other believers.

Are you trying to live the Christian life alone? Recognize your need for the support of other believers. Receive their encouragement and strength. More than that, determine to build-up others in their faith. Comfort others in order to strengthen them. Look for people who need an encouraging word. God will use you to edify others. Let us comfort one another.

Prayer: Father, thank You for Christian friends to encourage and comfort us. Use us to do the same for others. Show us someone who needs our support today, in Jesus name. Amen.