Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thank Goodness

"Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good!"

Psalm 106:1

A boy was watching the evening news on television with his dad. The story was reported of a man involved in a automobile accident which totaled his car. The man walked away from the accident without injury. Interviewed by a reporter, he said, "Thank goodness, I was able to walk away from this wreck." The boy asked his dad, "What did he mean, when he said, 'Thank goodness?" His dad replied, "Son, he must have been talking about the good Lord. God's goodness is the only thing that saved him." Most of us have  heard people say, "Thank goodness." Goodness becomes a synonym for God Himself.

The psalmist made it clear, who he was talking about, when he referred to goodness. He gave thanks for God's goodness. We live in a world where good and evil are constantly in conflict. When I was a child, I always enjoyed watching the old western movies. The good guys always wore a white hat, and the bad guys wore a black hat. After watching so many episodes, I came to understand that the guys with the white hats always won in the end. In our world today, it often appears like evil will prevail. Yet, when we read the Bible, we know better. God is good. He's always good. He changes not. In the end, thank goodness, God shall subdue all evil. Until then, the battle rages.

Don't forget to thank Goodness today. Thank God for His goodness in your life. If you are in a situation where evil seems to prevail, remember, God is at work to bring good out of every circumstance. We may not see it now, but we can believe it now, because Romans 8:28 is still in your Bible. In all things, God is working for good in the lives of those who love Him, according to His purpose. Go ahead today and thank Him, that He is working His good purpose in your life. If you love Him, there is no room for doubt. The psalmist had no doubt when he wrote, "Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good."

Prayer: Father, we give thanks for Your goodness, at work in our lives throughout all circumstances. We believe in Your goodness, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.