Saturday, November 24, 2012

Peace of Mind

"You will keep him in perfect peace,
whose mind is stayed on You."

Isaiah 26:3

A man approached his pastor with a question. He asked, "What can I do to have peace of mind? I have so many problems and worries. I even have trouble going to sleep at night, because I can't turn my troubled mind off." The pastor said, "I suppose that we have all been in that place, at one time or another. I found the answer in Isaiah 26:3. God promises peace to us when our mind is stayed on Him. We do have a choice about the focus of our thoughts." The man responded, "Well, that sounds good, but tell me how to do it." The pastor said, "The way it works for me, I meditate upon a few verses of Scripture. When I focus my mind upon God, peace always comes."

The God of all peace lives in each believer through the Holy Spirit. A fruit of God's Spirit working in us is peace (Galatians 5:22). We may allow problems and worries to rob us of peace. As we turn our attention toward God in Scripture, prayer and song, the Spirit of peace guards our minds. In essence, worship of God is our source for all things, and that includes peace of mind. We will often have problems, but we need not think about them all the time. Take time to focus your mind upon God.

A troubled mind, that will rob us of peace, is a call to worship. We need God's peace. The good news is that it's available for all who believe. The songwriter understood this, when he wrote these words: "Turn your eyes upon Jesus/ Look full in His wonderful face/ And the things of earth will grow strangely dim/ In the light of His glory and grace." In His presence there is peace of mind.

Prayer: Father, we are often troubled about problems and lose our peace of mind. Restore that peace, as we refocus our thoughts upon You, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.