Friday, November 23, 2012

Thank God for Mercy

"Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good.
For His mercy endures forever."

Psalm 107:1

Driving down a highway, a man saw someone lying on the ground. He noticed that the man was not moving. He thought to himself, that man must be unconscious or even dead. He stopped his car and jumped out to help. As soon as he did, the man on the ground pulled a gun on him. He demanded money and the car keys. The good Samaritan stood helplessly, watching the man drive away with his car and wallet. Two days later the criminal was arrested. The car and the wallet were returned to the owner. He said to a friend, "That man took advantage of my mercy."

People today may think that they can take advantage of God's mercy, but not so. Mercy either changes our hearts, or brings us to justice because mercy is rejected. Whether we are changed or not, God's mercy never changes. "For His mercy endures forever." Mercy is for sinners, and that includes us all (Romans 3:23). Mercy forgives the penitent sinner, but it always does much more. Mercy changes the hearts of sinners by the grace of God, and always to the glory of God. Those who are changed never cease to thank God for His mercy. Their love for God endures forever, because God's mercy endures forever.

Unbelief asks, "Why should I thank God for mercy?" Faith replies, "When you receive mercy, then, and only then, will you understand why I thank God for His mercy now and forever." We have no sin so wrong, that God's mercy cannot forgive. We have no heart so hard, that God's mercy cannot change. We have no situation so impossible, that God's mercy cannot conquer. Where can we find such mercy? Mercy is right there where you are, because God is where you are. Ask God for mercy. He will answer, because His mercy endures forever. Then, you can join untold numbers of people who continue to thank God for His mercy. They continue giving thanks, because His mercy endures forever.

Prayer: We give thanks, Oh, God, for mercy which forgave our sins, changed our hearts, and causes us to be more than conquerors, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.