Friday, November 16, 2012

The Law of Love

"For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even this:
'You shall love your neighbor as yourself."

Galatians 5:14

Her last days were lived in a nursing home. Her mind was failing and her memory was fading. She would often say to her daughter, "I just need to remember one sentence." Then, she quoted the verse from John 3:16. She would always say that, when her daughter visited. She did understand, that her memory was failing her. However, the day came when she failed to remember the one verse. The only word in the verse that she could remember was the word, love. The last word that she spoke, before her last breath, was the one word, love.

The apostle Paul calls our attention to one word, love. He quotes from Leviticus 19:18. The whole law of God is fulfilled in one word, love. The work of the Holy Spirit in our lives is summarized in one word, love (1 Corinthians 13). The very essence of God's being is simply stated in one word, love (1 John 4:8). The greatest gift of the Holy Spirit to any believer is described in one word, love (1 Cor. 13:13).  In the Christian life, we must remember one word, love. It tells us God's will for our lives.

Unbelief says, "How can anyone believe in love, when we see so much hatred in this world?" Faith says, "I believe in love, because I believe in God." Remember one word today, love. Remember that God loves you. But, you say, "How could God love me? I'm not worthy of His love." God loves sinners, and He proves it at the cross of Jesus (Romans 5:8). Remember that God wants us to love others. But, you say, "There are some people that I just can't love." Let God love them through you. The Holy Spirit desires to work through every believer to love others. Remember one word - love.

Prayer: Father, fill our lives with love through the Holy Spirit. Loves others through us, in Jesus name. Amen.