Tuesday, November 13, 2012

When Trouble Comes

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."

Psalm 46:1

A mother had bought a cell phone for her teenage daughter. She said to her, "No matter where you are, if you need my help, call me. I'll be there for you." Years later, she said to her mother, "When you bought a cell phone for me, it was not nearly as important to me as the words you said. I will always remember your words, 'I'll be there for you.' You are a wonderful mother, because you have always been there for me." Every believer can say the same thing to God our Father, "You have always been there for me."

The psalmist overcame his fear, knowing that God was a present help in time of trouble. He wrote, "The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge" (Psalm 46:11). The LORD, our covenant-keeping God, has sworn with an oath, that He will never leave us. He is with us always, and that certainly includes the time of trouble. He is there for us, to help us in trouble. We can know that He is with us, according to His promise. "Be still, and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10).

Unbelief honestly admits, "Why should God help me?"  Faith confesses, "God, who cannot lie, has promised. He is my refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."  Those who refuse to believe the promise of God, feel the insecurity of being left to fend for themselves. Fear makes of them easy prey. The believer has a confident assurance, that no matter what happens, the LORD may be trusted to keep His covenant promise. He knows God's help in trouble. God is there for him.

Prayer: LORD, we choose to believe the certain promise of Your covenant word. We take You at Your word. You are with us in trouble, as always, in Jesus name. Amen.