Sunday, September 15, 2013

Power in Worship

"And they sang a new song . . . saying with a loud voice:
Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power . . ."

Revelation 5:9-12

It was less than an hour before the worship service at that church. The pastor's wife called to say that the pastor was sick. He was unable to preach. The minister of music chose numerous choruses and hymns for the people to sing, all focused upon Jesus. There was no sermon in that service, but all the songs exalted Jesus Christ. God's Spirit touched the hearts of people. Many came for prayer. The power of God was present.

In Revelation, we see a vision of worship in heaven. The focus is upon the Lamb, a powerful symbol for our Lord Jesus Christ. Heaven touches earth, when the focus of God's people turns to Christ.

There is a chorus with these words: "Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full into His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace." When God's people do this in worship, we get a foretaste of heaven's glory. Our hearts are changed.

As a believer, make worship a part of your daily life. Let your devotional time be focused upon Christ. Focus upon Him in Bible reading and prayer. Focus upon Him in the songs that you sing. The Holy Spirit always exalts and glorifies our Lord Jesus Christ. When we do likewise, God's Spirit moves in our lives. Jesus is the power in worship!

Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power!