". . . singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord."
Ephesians 5:19
The apostle Paul wrote about the Spirit-filled life in Ephesians 5:18. That is to be filled with the love, joy and peace from God. In verse 19, he talked about "making melody in your heart to the Lord." There is a connection between the Holy Spirit and singing to the Lord.
Paul and Silas even sang praise to God in prison. Soon after that, the guard in prison was saved through faith in Christ (Acts 16). Good things happen when God's people adore Him in song and melody from the heart.
My mother was a Christian who enjoyed singing. Joy was her companion. She enjoyed life, as she enjoyed the Lord. We went so many places where she would play the piano as everyone gathered around to sing. The first song she played everywhere was "He Keeps Me Singing." It begins with these words, "There's within my heart a melody . . ." It was a song focused on a relationship with Jesus Christ. I noticed even as a child, as the people sang about the Lord, the room became a happy place. People experienced the joy of the Lord.
Heaven is a place of endless joy. God's people shall rejoice forever in His presence. Notice the heavenly scenes in the book of Revelation. They sing about the Lamb, a symbol for our Lord Jesus Christ. They sing a new song, because God has made all things new. Remember that last stanza of the hymn Amazing Grace. "When we've been there ten thousand years, bright shining as the sun. We've no less days to sing God's praise, than when we first begun." The melody in your heart from the Lord is forever!
Father, fill our hearts with songs of joy.