Sunday, October 27, 2013

Your Burden

"Cast your burden on the LORD, and He will sustain you."

Psalm 55:22

"Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there." God doesn't always answer our prayers the way we request, but He does always take our heavy burdens through prayer.Prayer is not trying to tell God what to do. It's casting our burden upon Him and leaving it there. He always knows what to do. He may choose to remove a problem, or He may give us sufficient grace to get through the problem. That's His choice. Our choice is to give Him our burden, knowing that He will sustain us, one way or the other.

Do you have a burden today? Maybe you've tried to solve the problem, or escape it. Nothing seems to work. "Take your burden to the LORD and leave it there." He is LORD over all. Nothing is beyond His control. 

You say, "But, why doesn't God ___________ ? You can fill the blank with your own question of anguish and anxious care. So many things we just can't understand, but we can still trust His goodness, grace and love. Our emotions so often dictate what we believe or doubt. They change so fast, but God our Father is forever the same.

You may choose to continue carrying your burden. That's your choice, but sooner or later the load just gets unbearable. Our strength begins to waste away. Our minds simply can't explain it all. Where we give up, He takes up our burden. When He lifts the burden that we give Him, sweet rest comes to the soul of the weary. We let go and trust Him, even though we still don't understand. Leave your burden there.

Father, we bring our burdens to You to leave them there.