Jesus said, "I will be with you always,
to the very end of the age."
Matthew 28:20
A grieving widow said to her pastor, "Sometimes I feel like he is still with me. It's hard to believe that he is gone. I miss him so much." The pastor was sensitive to the moment. He said, "You may feel at times that he is still with you, because he will always be a part of your life in memories of love." The risen Christ was with His disciples. Before he left them for heaven's glory, He said, "I will always be with you." He's with us not only when we feel His presence. He's with us always.
The presence of the living Christ is more than a cherished thought or a momentary feeling. His presence is a reality through the Holy Spirit in our lives. The Spirit of Christ lives in all of those who believe in Him (Romans 8:9).
How can we know that Jesus is really with us? The Spirit of Christ makes His presence known to us through the abiding gifts of faith, hope and love. It's a faith born of the Spirit of God. The hope in Christ is a gift all believers receive. It's a hope which transcends this life. Most of all, His presence brings love to our lives. His love takes residence in our hearts through the Spirit of Christ (Romans 5:5).
Invite Him into your life. He stands at the door and knocks. He awaits you to open your life to Him. If you do, He will come in (Revelation 3:20). When He comes into our lives, He comes to stay. "I will be with you always."
Jesus, we welcome You as our constant companion.