Sunday, November 17, 2013

God's Place for You

"(God) has determined their preappointed times
and the boundaries of their dwellings."

Acts 17:26

The potted plant was placed on a table in front of the kitchen window. In that place it enjoyed the needed sunshine of every new day. It was there it was watered at the appointed times. The lady of the house chose that place for her favorite plant. Likewise, God has a chosen place for each one of us, a preappointed place. Within those boundaries, he provides for our needs.

Have you found your place in life? Because God allows us to make real choices, we can get out of our place of blessing and provision. Remember the prophet Jonah in the Old Testament. He ran away from his divinely appointed place to preach in Nineveh. He knew that he was out of place in life. The storm at sea engulfed him. Death became a close call. It wasn't worth being out of his divinely appointed place. He knew what to do. He called on God to help him. He was ready to go to his assigned place.

Where is your place in life? You can't find it by looking on a map. You find it by looking within your heart. What has God put in your heart? When you find your place, there will always be peace of mind (Colossians 3:15). 

If you find yourself out of place, call on the One who made you for a certain time and place. Then, you can find your place in life. God's blessings come to all who serve Him within the boundaries that He appoints for us.

God, use us to Your glory in our appointed place.