Friday, June 17, 2016

Conquer Your Defeats

Life confronts all of us with the possibilities of defeat. Circumstances may overwhelm us. People may reject us. Fear could conquer us. Depression can overtake us. Sorrow may crush us. Who can live in this world without facing some kind of defeat sooner or later?

There is good news! The good news is a person. His name is Jesus. He was slandered from birth. He was despised and rejected of men. When He performed miracles to heal the sick and raise the dead, they said he did it by the power of the devil. Religion accused Him of being a blasphemer. The crowd chanted for His death. They laughed at Him and mocked Him. They nailed Him to a cross. They saw what was thought to be a defeated life. Wait! Three days later, a defeated life supposedly, defeated death! He conquered all things, and Jesus is Lord over all.

In Christ, you can conquer all defeats. Your past defeats are conquered in Christ. Your guilt, shame, rejection, embarrassment, fear, sorrow, and failure are conquered in Christ alone. In Christ you are guilt-free. His mercy and grace takes away your shame and embarrassment. His love conquers your fear. His joy overwhelms your sorrow. His acceptance dispels your rejection. His victory replaces your failure.

"Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us" (Romans 8:37). Through faith in Jesus Christ, you are more than a conqueror. His love conquers all in your life. A defeated life becomes more than a conqueror in Christ. Reject your old identity. That's history. That's not who you are now. You are a new creation in Christ. You are loved unconditionally. You are accepted. That's who you are in Christ. You are a conqueror.