Thursday, June 16, 2016

Listen to Your Conscience

God has given everyone a conscience. This is God's common grace to all mankind. He created us as moral agents to know the difference between right and wrong. The Holy Spirit communicates with us through the conscience. "I tell the truth in Christ, I am not lying, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit" (Romans 9:1).

We have no excuse for our sins. We chose to sin, ignoring the voice of our own conscience. It is true that conscience cannot save us, but it tells us that we need a Savior. Conscience is a tool of the Holy Spirit to awaken us to our own sinful nature. It is a call to the only Savior for sinners, Jesus Christ our Lord. He saves to the uttermost all who call upon Him.

Those who ignore the warning of their own conscience do so at their own peril. They are without excuse before God. Conscience tells us that a judgment day is coming. Conscience warns us to flee to the only one who can take away our guilt, even Christ our Savior.

When the voice of conscience is ignored, it is like a radio signal with increasing static until all sound is gone. We may become deaf to the voice of conscience. All restraints toward sin are removed. Moral standards collapse. The witness of conscience is no longer heard. The judgment of God is mocked. Our hearts are hardened. A choice has been made with real consequences.