Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Receive God's Favor

Pride may tell you that you don't really need God. Maybe you think that you can make it just fine without him. Humility advises you that your only hope is in the grace of God. Humility receives the grace of God without fail.

God's grace is sure when you humble yourself before him. Grace is promised to the humble. The Spirit of grace works humility, a fruit of the Spirit, in your heart. Humility is both the reception and the evidence of God's grace.

You may ask, what is the grace of God? It is simply God's favor upon you. Nothing, absolutely nothing, can you do to deserve his favor. That's the reason the Spirit of God must work in your heart to bring humility. So, favor from God is not your work for him, but his work in you.

God's favor is not only needed for your conversion and forgiveness from all sins, but your entire life is based upon the favor of God working in you. When the pressures and trials of life become too much for you, the favor of God sustains you through it all. His favor is sufficient for your every need.

"God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble."  

 First Peter 5:5