Sunday, January 14, 2018

Does God Hear Our Prayers?

Doubt admits, "I will pray. Maybe God will hear me and maybe not." Unbelief questions, "I can pray, but why should I believe that God will hear me?" Faith concludes, "Certainly, God hears my prayers. He is merciful to hear my prayers." Faith can praise God that prayer is heard. 

"Blessed be God, who has not turned away my prayer, nor His mercy from me" (Psalm 66:20). When you pray, focus on God's mercy. Confess your sins, knowing a merciful God will forgive you. In requesting help from God in prayer, again focus on His mercy. A merciful God will help the helpless. In praying for others, ask God to show His mercy to them.

God's attribute of mercy is proven at the cross of Jesus. His mercy for sinners is proven forever. Certainly, God is holy and just. His justice demands judgment. His mercy for sinners through Christ means that Jesus took our judgment. Jesus died for our sins.

When you pray, focus your faith on the mercy of God. He answers our prayers, not because we are so good. Answered prayer is about how good God is. His goodness and mercy invites us to pray. When you pray, you experience the mercy of God's goodness. His mercy will not turn your prayers away.