Monday, December 25, 2023

God's Gift for You

Christmas is the time of year when we think about gifts. Children are excited about the gifts they receive. Shoppers have been busy everywhere looking for the right gift. Christmas is the season for giving and receiving gifts. In this busy season don't forget the greatest gift of all. Christmas is about God's gift of love for you. God gave His Son. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son (John 3:16). Christ came as God's gift for you.

Receive God's gift in Christ. He is offered to all people everywhere. That includes you and everyone you know. However, a gift must be received. Believing is receiving. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name (John 1:12).

Receive the greatest gift of all, our Lord Jesus Christ. Receive the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ the Lord. Receive the gift of God's Son into your life. A gift is only a gift because it is given. Likewise, a gift is only a gift when it is received. God gave, but we must receive.

Believe and receive God's greatest gift, eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ. Believing is trusting God through Christ. Remember, you never work for a gift, nor do you earn it by any merit on your part. You either receive or reject a gift. Those who reject God's Son refuse the gift of God. Yes, God gave His Son to those who believe in His name.