Sunday, December 24, 2023

Jesus In Your Life

The Bible tells us that when Jesus was born in Bethlehem, there was no room for Him. So, the Christ child was born in a manger. We read in Luke 2:7, She brought forth her firstborn Son ... and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. They had no place for God's only begotten Son. They didn't know who He was.

So many times in our world today, the situation has not changed. There's no room for Jesus today. In many places it's not politically correct to talk about Him. Manger scenes are offensive in some places. Even His name in Christmas bothers many. So, we must say Happy Holidays, but not Merry Christmas. You see, there is no room for Jesus today in many places.

Is there room for Jesus today in your life? Driving down the road, I saw a sign with these words, "Jesus Is the Reason for the Season." I have no idea who placed that sign there, but I thank God for whoever did it. Christ is Christmas. Let's make room for Jesus during this season, and in every season.

Is there room for Jesus in your life? Invite Him into your life. He will come into your life. And when He is invited, He will make His presence known. He brings love, joy, and peace. He comes to bless you and your family. He comes to do you good and give you mercy and grace. Make room for Jesus in your life today and every day.