Do you ever find yourself frustrated about problems that are beyond your control? Most of us do. We may find ourselves in difficult situations and see no way out. When problems confront us, and we can find no solution, we may become depressed and feel helpless.
When problems come that are beyond your control, there is something you can do. You can pray. No problem is beyond God's control. Unload your problems with him. Prayer is simply talking to God. You can pray about every problem.
Take your problem to the Lord in prayer. Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done (Philippians 4:6, NLT).
Pray about everything. Take your problems to God in prayer. He's the Father of all who trust in him. He really cares about all of your problems. If you care about the problems of those you love, how much more does your Father in heaven care about your problems?
When you talk to God, don't forget to thank him for all the good things that he has done in your life. Also, thank him in advance for how he will work in your problem for your good and his glory. Remember to pray about problems.