Thursday, February 6, 2025

God Sees Your Tears

God has made you with the ability to cry with tears. A time for tears releases frustration, sorrow, and depression. Don't ever be embarrassed to shed tears. Jesus wept when a loved one died. It was not a sign of weakness, but he showed compassion and empathy.

God sees your tears and knows your heartache. He cares about you. Tears form a prayer to God that words cannot utter. He counts your tears and knows your heart. God can turn your tears into joy. Those who plant in tears will harvest with shouts of joy (Psalm 126:5, NLT). Tears are never the end of the story for those who trust in God. Plant your tears with God and harvest joy.

Joy comes from God in His time. He is always at work in your life. His providence rules over all, and that includes the times of your life. There is a time for tears and a time for joy. Tears are about your disappointments and failures in life. Joy is about God's appointments and victories in your life.

When the day of tears comes, remember there is another day coming. Release your tears to God. Know that another season is planned for you. A new day is coming, a day of joy and peace. It's a day when God will show you His goodness and grace. Give your tears to God. A harvest of joy will come from God.