Wednesday, February 5, 2025

In Times of Trouble

It may be easier to believe that God is with you when life is carefree without trouble. Yet, in times of trouble, you may be tempted to believe that God is not with you. Feelings of insecurity attack your faith in God's faithfulness. Believe that God is with you in the good times and the bad.

God speaks to you today, When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you (Isaiah 43:2, NLT). God is with you when the sun shines bright. He is also with you when the storms of life come. The Lord says to you, I am with you always (Matthew 28:20).

In times of trouble, trust God's faithfulness. His promises to you are sure. God cannot lie nor fail. Great is His faithfulness to all who trust in Him. Doubting God's faithfulness in times of trouble is doubting His word of promise. Believe God's word. Thank God that He is with you always.

Feelings may deceive you. Thoughts may confuse you. Worry may torment you. Yet, God's word is true every day in every way. His promise is clear. God's will is sure. His word changes not. God is with you today and always.

God with you is more than enough to face times of trouble. God with you is victory through every crisis. God with you is assurance of help when you are helpless, strength when you are weak, and victory when you are defeated. Go ahead, say it, "God is with me always."