Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Ask God for Help

Doubt may beg God for help. Faith simply takes God at His word. So we may boldly say, The LORD is my helper (Hebrews 13:6). Don't plead nor beg God for help. Only believe and receive. Trust His word of promise. God helps those who believe His word.

Prayer is the way to express your faith that God is helping you. When you need help, the Helper is there. Trust God. Believe God. Thank God. Yes, God will help you. Don't wait to see results. Thank God in advance, based upon His promises in the Bible.

Faith receives the promise of God. Faith is confidence in God. He is trustworthy. Never has God made a promise that He cannot fulfill. His written word in the Bible is the foundation for your faith. His promise is the assurance of His help. Believers can say, My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth (Psalm 121:2).

Doubt is not sure that God's word of promise is trustworthy. Faith simply takes God at His word of promise. Doubt will not trust the promise of God. Faith testifies that God is trustworthy. Doubt receives nothing. Faith receives the promise of God. The choice is yours. Ask God for help, because you believe His word of truth.