Have you ever had an experience of thinking God has forgotten you? Doubt attacks your faith. Doubt says, "God is not concerned about you. He has forsaken you. Why should He care for you?" Faith says, "I'm depressed and feel so helpless, but I know that God will never leave me nor forsake me."
God changes not. His love for you is steadfast and sure. Faith bonds to the faithfulness of God. No matter how bad things may be in your life, rest assured that God never forgets you. God cares for you as His child. He never forgets you. He never forsakes you.
Can a woman forget her nursing child, and not have compassion on the son of her womb?(Isaiah 49:15). The answer to that question should be obvious to all. So it is with God. He can never forget you. His loving compassion is for you. God truly cares for you.
You may have times when you feel that God has forgotten you. That's when doubt attacks your faith. God's loving care is for you. God's watch care for you is like a nursing mother for her infant child. How could she ever forget her helpless baby? Her heart compels her never to forget the helpless child. So it is with God and His children. God carries you in His heart. God cares for you.