Sunday, March 9, 2025

Learn How to Wait

Look in every airport and you will see large waiting rooms. People wait for their call. At the appointed time, they expect to board their flight. Most people don't like to wait, but wait they must. They wait with expectation, knowing their time to move on will come.

Learning to wait on God with expectation is time well spent. God has appointed times in your life. You can try to make things happen, but you can't rush God. Like air flights have their scheduled times, so God has His times scheduled in your life.

Learn to expect God's providence at work in your life. As a believer in Christ, expect God to work in all things for your good and His glory. God has a plan for your life. His providence directs the details in your life. Know for sure that He has overlooked nothing. And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to the called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).

While you are waiting on God, stay focused on where you are now. God has you there for a purpose. He has work for you to do now where you are. Of course, waiting on God is no excuse for idleness. Expect God to open your eyes of understanding to see the opportunities that He has set before you now. Then, your waiting is not in vain. Expect God to open new doors for you, when you finish what He has given you to do where you are now. But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength (Isaiah 40:31).