God's grace to you is always unmerited, never deserved. That's why it's called grace. It comes to you as the gift of God, unmerited favor, through our Lord Jesus Christ. When you live in God's favor, you can say to God, You have granted me life and favor, and Your care has preserved my spirit (Job 10:12). God's grace is God's favor to you.
God's grace always brings God's peace into your life. It is peace that passes all understanding. You know when you experience the peace of God's favor. It defies explanation to those who have never experienced it. Only the Spirit of God can make peace real to you. It's a fruit of God's Spirit working in your heart and mind.
During times of stress and difficulty, you can always ask God for more grace. He gives unmerited favor sufficient for all the trying circumstances in your life. As a believer in Jesus Christ, God's favor is there for you. He will always grant you more favor as needed. You will know when your prayer is answered. His unmerited favor always brings peace. Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 1:7).
Peace is the sure fruit that God's grace is working in your heart. It is peace with God and peace from God. He is known as the God of all peace. He makes His presence known in your life through grace that brings peace. That's God's grace to you.