Many people may look at the Bible as nothing more than ancient history, with little relevance for their lives. Others may think of the Bible as stories they were taught as a child, but it may not have meaning for them today. Don't be deceived. The truth is this, the Bible is God's word to change your life.
How can the Bible change your life? It will be life changing for you only if you do the word. Many are willing to hear the word of God taught, but they do nothing about it. Only hearing the word will never change your life, but be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves (James 1:22).
Hear the word taught. Read the word for yourself, but don't stop there. Do the word. Read the Bible for more than history of the ancient past. Hear the word for more than a good sermon about God. Don't be deceived. Do the word, and see what God will do in your life.
Consider some personal action steps that you may be a doer of the word. Believe the word of God can change your life, because it tells you about the only true and living God who can change your life. Pray the word of God. Make the Bible your prayer book. Pray the promises of God. He always keeps His promises to believers. Do the word of God to change your life.