What do you need? You may think of clothes, a house, another job, a new car, and the list could go on and on. All these things will not satisfy you. What you need is a relationship. That relationship is with God. He is who you need.
The Lord is my Shepherd; I have everything I need (Psalm 23:1, NLT). Knowing God is knowing him as your Shepherd. That means you are surrendered to God's good will. He promises to lead you through all the days of your life. Sheep need a shepherd to lead them everywhere they go. The shepherd knows how to take care of his sheep every day and everywhere.
God brings satisfaction to your life. You trust Him for all you need. He gives direction and guidance all along the way. He knows the way. He leads you in the right path. He is your guide and counselor. God is all you need. Therefore, your faith can say, The Lord is my Shepherd.
Sheep follow their shepherd. They trust him for all they need. You may ask, how can I follow God? God's Spirit lives in the heart of every believer. The Spirit of God will lead you with peace. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts (Colossians 3:15). God's peace will lead you as a shepherd. With God as your Shepherd, you have who you need.