Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The Stress of Life

The stress of life can easily make you grow weary. Life can be very stressful, moving fast with new threats and problems coming fast. The stress increases. The anxiety becomes too much. What must you do? Some simply resign to life feeling so helpless. That's when you are stressed out.

God never intended that we live our lives without his help. He offers himself to us as our helper. When you become weary in this life, it's time to discover the reality of God as your helper. Trust him as your helper. Then, you can truly say, The LORD is my helper; I will not fear (Hebrews 13:6).

You may ask, "Why would God want to help me?" He wants a personal relationship with you. God wants you to trust him. You were made by God and for God. You were made to depend upon God, trusting him as your helper. God allows issues to come your way to discover that you need him to be your helper.

Pride says that you need nobody to help you, not even God. Pride wants you to think that you don't need God. Humility readily admits a need for God now and always. Pride will never seek God's help. Pride wants to boast, saying, "I did it my way." Humility, to the contrary, says, "I need God to be my helper." He is your helper through the stress of life.