Monday, October 15, 2012

Facing God's Throne

"Your throne, O God, is forever and ever."

Psalm 45:6

The throne was an ancient symbol for sovereignty and authority. The king ruled his kingdom seated upon the throne. His word was final. His place was secure. His authority was unquestioned. The psalmist uses a throne as a symbol for God's reign over this world. Rebellious subjects could fine judgment at a king's throne. Submissive subjects found grace and mercy. People approached the king's throne with fear and respect. He had the power of life and death over all whom he ruled. The throne of God is seen in two ways through the Bible. It is both a throne of grace and a throne of judgment.

For the believer the throne of God is a throne of grace. "Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need" (Hebrews 4:16). A pastor offered to pray for a man who was in bad health. The man questioned him, "Why should God want to help me? I haven't lived right, and I never have done anything for God." The pastor smiled and said, "Well, I have good news for you. Prayer is not about what we have done. It's about who God is. He is the God of all grace." Then, the pastor shared with him Hebrews 4:16. He explained to the man that grace is God's unmerited, undeserved favor for people who have sinned. The man gladly accepted God's grace to help, and that day he accepted by faith the grace of God in Christ to forgive all of his sins. Let us therefore come boldly, with the confidence of faith, to the throne of God's grace.

In Revelation, chapter 20, the throne of God is a great white throne. Earlier in the book of Revelation, the throne of God was surrounded by a rainbow. It's a symbol of God's covenant mercy and grace. Now, the throne of God is without the rainbow. The white, representing God's holiness, is ready to bring judgment to those who have rejected His Son. The scene is an image of final judgment. God's throne is forever. Come now while the rainbow surrounds His throne. We may come now. We must come later.

Prayer: Father, we come boldly to Your throne of grace. We ask and receive grace to help in our time of need, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.