Sunday, October 14, 2012

God's Mercy

"Have mercy upon me, O God."

Psalm 51:1

The chaplain in a prison talked to an inmate about being a Christian. The inmate responded, by saying, "I can't be a Christian, because I murdered a man. God would never have anything to do with me." The chaplain said, "I've got good news for you. God is merciful. Though we could never be good enough to be a Christian, God's mercy forgives us and changes our lives." He shared Psalm 51 with him, beginning with David's prayer to receive God's mercy. The inmate was willing to pray David's prayer: "Have mercy upon me, O God."

We all need God's mercy, because we all have sinned (Romans 3:23). Self-righteousness deceives us into causing us to think that we are good enough to be accepted by God. When we understand our sinful condition, we must see that mercy is our only hope. The good news is that God is full of loving kindness and tender mercy. The mercy of God was fully displayed on a cross, when His Son suffered agony and death in our place. There mercy is fully revealed.

You need not beg God for mercy. He is merciful. You simply receive His mercy by faith. Mercy only comes to us through God's unmerited favor. We could never earn nor deserve the good things that God wants to do in our lives. God knows that we have all sinned. We need to know that God is merciful. The door to God's mercy is Jesus the crucified one who is alive for evermore.

Prayer: Have mercy upon me, O God.